Sunday, May 22, 2011

An apple letsatsi
Sends moalafi tsamaya
Apple mo go moso
Moalafi kitsiso
Besa apple fa bosigo
bolawa ke tlala moalafi outright
Ja an apple tsamaya kwa bolao
kgwanya moalafi on tlhogo
Tharo apples letsatsi, supa letsatsi tlhagola Ruddy apple, ruddy cheek

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gotlhe around the mulberry setlhatshana

Gotlhe around the  mulberry setlhatshana
Kgabo lelka the weasel.
Kgabo thought it ntse gotlhe tshameko.
Pop! Tsamaya the weasel.
Thebe ka ga spool of thread,
Thebe ka ga lomao.
Jang pula tsamaya.
Pop! Tsamaya the weasel.
O nonofile le down toropo pata,
Mo go le tswa of nonyane,
Jang pula tsamaya
Sephatlo lota of tuppenney rice,
Sephatlo lota of treacle,
Tlhakanya o nonofile le dira tshiamo,
Pop! Tsamaya the weasel.

I need a better dictionary.